Monday, February 16, 2009
Special Gracia Tour for Patricia!
Patricia has just moved to the Gracia neighbourhood and she celebrated it with her friends with a tasty breakfast and my Gracia Tour. We walked around the district squares discovering its history and finding hidden details everywhere.
Towards the end of the tour, something unexpected happened: as I was starting to tell them about the Chapel of St. Phillip Neri, an old man approached and started talking to us about the place. He was Joan, a neighbour that has been living there all his life and is closely related to the Chapel. Seeing our interest for his talk, he took out some keys from his pocket and offered us to visit the inside. How lucky we were! The place is usually closed and can only be visited during the Gracia Festival in August, if there is a concert programmed in the cloister!
The picture above is precisely there (unfortunately Joan didn't want to be on it, so he volonteered to take it).
For more pictures of the Gracia District, check out my album.
To learn more about my other Out-Of-The-Beaten-Track Neighbourhoods, visit my website!
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Va ser una excursió molt i molt maca. Ens ho vam passar molt be, i la trobada de Joan, a Sant Felip Neri, molt especial.
Gracies Marta per l'excursió i per fer-nos veure Gràcia amb uns altres ulls.
Gràcies Basilio!
Per mi també va ser un tour molt especial!
For English-speaking readers, I'm thanking Basilio for his comment. Here is what he says:
"It was a really really nice tour. We had a lot of fun, and meeting Joan at Sant Felip Neri was very special.
Thanks Marta for the tour and for making us see Gracia with new eyes."
Jo visc a Gràcia des de fa molt de temps. Vaig disfrutar molt descobrint la història del meu barri i fixant-me amb detalls que sempre m'havien passat desapercebuts. Moltes gràcies! Ho recomano!
Moltes gràcies, Marta!
Em fa molta il·lusió que la visita us agradés tant! Una abraçada!
Translation of Marta's comment for English readers:
"I've been living in Gracia for a long time. I really enjoyed discovering the history of my neighbourhood and discovering details I had never paid attention to before. Thank you so much! I reccomend it!
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