Saturday, November 20, 2010

Madrid networking

Sometimes my clients have asked me if I could recomend someone in Madrid for a private tour. I'd heard from some people but never having really met them I didn't feel comfortable recomending anyone. Today, though, I had the opportunity of some real networking.

Gemma is the owner of, she was going to be in Barcelona for the weekend and contacted me to meet up. We had a coffee in a lovely cafe in the Eixample, near her hotel, and she is lovely! Energetic, enthousiastic, entrepreneur and passioned about art and her city. The kind of people I'm glad to recomend! She's lived in the US for several years, so her English must be really good (although I admit we only spoke Spanish and some Catalan - as she lived in Catalonia for some years in her childhood and youth!). Her tour offer sounds really nice too, quite in a similar line to mine: I can wait to visit her and check some of her favorite 100yo cake stores!

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