Monday, July 25, 2011

Kids celebrated the end of the school year in the Park Güell

One of the things I love the most about being a tourguide is that the city is alive, and everyday there might be something fun going on that we might be hitting during a tour.

This is what happened last June 22nd during my tour with a group of American teens travelling with Explorica. June 22nd is usually the last day of school in Catalonia, as the next day we celebrate Saint John's Eve which is kind of the summer equivalent for New Year's Eve here.
Well inside the Park Güell, one of Gaudí's most famous projects, there is a primary school: Baldiri Reixach. And as we got there to visit the Park, the school kids were celebrating the end of the school year and were parading with some traditional big-heads, giants and a dragon made by them. My teens were fascinated to see how local kids celebrate their last school day!
Check the pictures I took!

Two big-heads represented Gaudí and his patron, the count Güell, while some other were inspired in the flower pots Gaudí designed for some of the park bridges. The dragon was clearly like the famous fountain of the Park, while the double-faced giant represented the school kids: a boy and a girl.

Plus, at the end of the tour, the teachers handed me the following letter:

June 22nd, 2011


Thank you so much for an informative morning in Barcelona.
We learnt a lot of history in a few light and fun hours. Like a "good class".
We hope to come back to Barcelona and experience more.

The students of Spanish of the John F. Kennedy Catholic High School in Seattle, WA, USA

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